My Event with Scarlett & Jo at Evans Meadowhall - Georgina Grogan!
We liked Georgina Grogan’s blog so much that we re-posted it in its entirety from her blog! Check out her blog She Might Be Loved! Gifi: ‘I have to say, that I was blown away by her brilliance, on the day, mind you I always am. I really should have written the event up myself. But I am still overwhelmed by the custom, the appreciation and support of the very many people I met on a Saturday afternoon at Meadowhall. It sure was a lot of fun and magical. Thank you GG; Alfie, Staff at Meadowhall for a great day. I am humbled’. The event literally could not have gone any better. I was blown away by the amount of people who turned up to support a fellow blogger and then my amazing readers who simply just wanted to hang out and shop with me! Everyone was trying on Scarlett & Jo’s gorgeous collection, which had been doubled in store in anticipation for the event, which did mean that there was nearly every single piece for us to try on and it looked like an amazing display. Evans Meadowhall had set up a table full of leaflets for the 20% off and drinks to suit everyone, the staff were absolutely incredible on the day and couldn’t help us all enough. Gifi, owner and designer of Scarlett & Jo came along too for the special day and I know I speak on behalf of everyone when I say, it was a amazing treat to have him there! The 20% off leaflets also worked with the already discounted clothes which meant a lot of people went home with a real bargain and some beautiful new outfits, there were definitely smiles all round and plenty of selfies. Unfortunately we had a few technical difficulties on the day with the new fancy camera so the photos aren’t as amazing as I hoped, but there’s definitely plenty of them!
As you can see, it was an event full of mega babes and I’m so glad that everyone had an amazing time. Even Alfie and my amazing friend Shirelle were both on hand to either take photos or join in with the fun and I’m very lucky that they’re both awesome. There’s already been tonnes of photos with all the clothes that everyone picked up on the day but I cannot wait to see more, Gifi always says that people ‘bring the clothes to life’ and what they can do for women’s confidence. I had an absolutely amazing day and just want to say a big thank you to Gifi, the Scarlett & Jo team, the lovely ladies at Evans Meadowhall and to everyone who came along!