So this is the first public viewing of some of the “official” photo shots. What we try to achieve with every design is a timeless quality. So a S&J dress bought last year or the year before shouldn’t really date. The new collection is obviously about new thoughts, in the sense, that we are in front of the trend curve. There are also up dates of S&J classics.
If we are successful, our designs offer confidence and comfort in wear. Help get jobs, provide image both at work and in social settings, attract men, save marriages, make the wearer simply feel good and that’s all round pleasure. Photos are by Nicky Rockets and I consider him the best plus size fashion photographer on the planet. He knows.

I am not going to compare him to the great photographers I worked with in my early career. But he is right up there.
On the day of this shoot we had a day long House party. It was followed by a post wrap supper at Wagamama’s. We completely released our guest bloggers and friends to take whatever photos or make their own videos of the event. We wanted real time and wanted reality, and what do bloggers normally do tweet, gram and inform. We wanted true portrayal.
It’s not what Scarlett & Jo wants that is important but it’s what plus size women want. So, we use our special skills and reflect and suggest. For all practical purposes we actually want the same thing. We have our ethos, but the reality has to reflect what women want out of their wardrobe. Here is Georgina, the Queen of Lace, in the dress that I designed for her - very limited stocks just in time for Valentine’s but hey this dress will light up the wearer for any occasion.

I am going to boast for a minute, not one garment out of the 30 which was shot had to be pinned or altered. Anyone who has done catwalk or a photo shoot knows that that simply doesn’t happen. I think the back rise on the trouser that Becky Barnes modeled, we actually designed it for her, without a fit session, could be a tad longer, but it is a true to size, size 24.

We designed and made Mayah’s favourite dress within an hour. We didn’t measure her, I wanted to meet her and being a London girl having got the call on Thursday, she could pop in on Friday. The surprise for me is how pretty she is. She is also a size 24.

Elena who I love to bits. We had tea a few months back, she likes a prom and cupcakes. This is what we designed for her.

Betty is a hottie, she is a size 20, the first time we met was, you guessed it, was the morning of the party shoot. I just knew that she would bring these proms to life.

Hollie has been really bowled over by the 40’s series, so we revived this special fanprint that’s origins dates back to a phenomenal collection I designed in 1978.The original print was produced by the legendary Arnold Crook of Nathaniel Williams.

Here is Hollie wearing a dress originally designed for Caroline Curvywordy who couldn’t make it on the day

You know George of Fuller Figure Fuller Bust helped S & J in the early days. This is George’s dress worn by the incredible Nancy. We actually designed a little black “bolero” dress for her, she is so vivacious, the dress looks perfect and completely brings her personality out. Hey she looks gorgeous in both, at least i think so.

Gloria Super Nova or Glowpinkstah is my superstar, a woman who is stellar. She entertains, she talks about the clothes she likes, like an excited kid talking about her favourite candy. I was so, so happy that she came to the party. Here is Glow in the little frock we designed and made for her.

We decided to be a bit risqué as Glow doesn’t normally wear prints. I think she will now!

Thanks for the buzz! We hope you enjoy the collection as much as we liked creating it.
Thanks to Home House, Evans for providing the shoes and Daisy and Eve at Evans for providing all the jewellery, Sara Kurtulus for makeup and Laura Vallejo for hair and of course Nicky Rockets for the photography.
Special thanks to all the bloggers for coming to the party and bringing the collection to life.